Princesa Kilago
Una gran inspiración de la Princesa Karanqui, quien era matriarca y cacica de Cochasquí (población situada al norte de Quito y donde actualmente se pueden visitar complejos preincaicos). Su nombre Kela Angu o Kilago deriva de origen tsafiqui y significa mujer felino o mujer guía en realidad se trata de una mujer de alto rango y lideresa de las nacionalidades del norte de los Andes ecuatorianos. About Us
Se cuenta que su belleza la distinguía, tal vez no era muy alta, pero su altivez, valentía y sagacidad sobresalían y eso seguramente atrajo al Inca. KelaAngu acepta la tregua, pero nunca olvida que su responsabilidad y amor está con su pueblo y su tierra. About Us
Una mujer líder que guiaba a su pueblo, que nos inspira para conocer la cultura y convivir con la naturaleza, creando la armonía y la buena convivencia con la pachamama. About Us
About our Tour Operator
Nuestra compañía de turismo comunitario Kilago Travel nace con la finalidad de llevar el turismo responsable que involucra a las comunidades indígenas promoviendo el respeto a la Pachamama, además fortalecer las expresiones culturales y aprovechar el turismo sostenible, creando la dinamización de la economía local.
Somos hombres y mujeres nativos Otavaleños, con capacidad para dirigir, organizar y proponer viajes y turismo responsable a nivel local, regional y del país. About US
La autentica vivencia indígena de los andes
Nuestro personal esta conformado por grupos profesionales de turismo entre hombres y mujeres. Nuestro equipo profesional esta formado por personas calificadas y motivadas, expertos en sus respectivos campos de trabajo al servicio del sector turístico.
Kilago Travel Team
Claudio Morales
Office Manager
Claudio dedicated to achieving the proposed objectives, enthusiastic and with a lot of interest in the tourism industry. He was born on the slopes of the Imbabura volcano in a humble family and dedicated himself to studying ecotourism and liked to walk and discover places. He is characterized as a charismatic and very friendly person. At Kilago Travel he organizes tailor-made trips and carries out operations, he is happy with customer satisfaction. He is always constantly learning and innovating knowledge in the tourism industry.
Cristian Ramirez
Tour guide
He is a passionate professional committed to service and quality, for years working in tourism through projects aimed at development in indigenous communities. He is in charge of making connections and generating cultural tourism projects with the natives of the region. He is a dynamic person and empowered by his indigenous roots and always willing to share his knowledge with visitors or tourists.
Cristina Sanchez
Managing Director
Cristina began to venture into tourism from a very young age. After finishing her studies and graduating as an Administrator, she had the opportunity to assume the position of Manager in a community tourism company, which motivated her even more to deepen her knowledge. Without a doubt, she was sure that tourism was her future and she could help people by generating income through tourism activities. She feels truly happy when travelers’ dreams come true during a trip, an opportunity to create satisfying experiences of the country.
Silvia Guajan
Travel consultant
After finishing college, Silvia obtained a degree in Tourism Administration, she was sure that tourism was her future and the way to get to know Ecuador. She gained experience in pre-professional practices such as reservations, operations and sales, earning the opportunity to become a Sales Agent. Her kindness and perseverance to achieve the proposed goals demonstrate her trust to her work team.
Nuestro personal esta conformado por grupos profesionales de turismo entre hombres y mujeres. Nuestro equipo profesional esta formado por personas calificadas y motivadas, expertos en sus respectivos campos de trabajo al servicio del sector turístico.